Be careful what you pray for!

This week I learned about the need to be specific in what I ask the Angels for.  Last week the bathroom light bulb started flickering and I always take this to be a sign that the bulb is on its way out.

I’d learned that the Archangel Michael is good at fixing mechanical and electrical things in addition to being a great protector. So I asked him to keep the bulb going until I managed to get a new one.

I bought the new bulb today along with my grocery shopping and the existing bulb went this evening.  Unfortunately I need someone tall to come round and fit it for me. In hindsight  I should have asked the Archangel Michael to keep it going until I had managed to get the new one fitted not just bought the new bulb.

So, the moral of this story is to be careful what you pray for because you may just get precisely that!

Is it wrong to pray to the Angels?

This was one of my main questions when I first started researching the Angels.  I was raised a Methodist and the idea of praying to anybody other than God, Jesus and at a push the Holy Spirit was alien to me.  I knew that the Catholics prayed to the saints, but this was not part of the tradition that I had been brought up with, and again the idea of standing in front of a box that may or may not contain the bones of the person it was supposed to contain the bones of seemed rather strange to me.

Of course, I was familiar with the famous stories of Angels, mainly from the nativity story with the message being given to Mary that she was going to have a child by Gabriel and then the shepherds hearing the Angels singing.  However, at the time I started my research, that was about as far as my knowledge and experience of Angels went.

The first and most important thing that I learned was that there is a big difference between ‘praying to the Angels’ and ‘worshiping them’.  The Angels do not ask us to worship them and I would not condone it. Being worshiped is something that should be reserved for God, Jesus or whatever deity you happen to believe in.

The Angels have no ego and no agenda of their own.  They exist as a kind of bridge between the realm of the divine and the realm of man. They can not intervene or violate God’s will, and in the same way, by Spiritual Law, they cannot interfere with human free will. They can help us, heal us and protect us, but only if we ask them to.

So, is it wrong to talk to the Angels?  Well, obviously you might get some strange looks if you were walking down the street talking to them out loud, but fortunately Angels, like God can hear our silent prayers just as well as they can hear any that are spoken out loud.

We need not be afraid that we are dragging them away from ore important tasks as, since they are not bound by the physical laws of our world, they can be in many places at the same time.  They also do not mind which denomination or faith you have been brought up in, or even if you have no formal faith at all.  If we ask them to, they will come and it is their great pleasure to help us if they possibly can.

My first white feather experience

On 29th of June I was heading to the doctors for as my sick note was running out.  I prayed to the angels for a good outcome as I felt that I was not ready to go back to work and, a few paces further up the path I saw a single white feather.  I had read that Angels leave these as symbols that they are at work, so I went in to the appointment feeling much more confident that the doctor would be sympathetic and that the right outcome would be achieved.

The doctor extended my sick note and finally agreed that I should try anti-depressants, which they had been reluctant to prescribe on my last visit.

This was my first experience of seeing a white feather and I felt much more confident knowing that the angels were walking with me.

Releasing vows of poverty from my past lives

On 28th June I wrote a letter to the Archangels Michael and Raphael asking why I was so hopeless at managing money.  In their reply they said that in a past life I had taken a vow of poverty and that I must releaase myself from it so that I could accept the abundance that was offered to me in this life.

That night I used the meditation to release myself of vows as described in Diana Cooper’s book ‘Angel Inspiration’ and the following is what happened:

My Guardian Angel, Simone took me to a woodland. The woodland looked dark and almost monochrome, appearing to me in shades of dark blue, black and grey. I was taken to a clearing in the woodland where I saw a man, who was also shown to me in shades of dark blue, standing to one side. I had the feeling that some type of pagan ritual had taken place there.

I said the words to release myself from my vow of poverty and turned around to walk back through the woodland, suddenly daylight seemed to break over the woodland and the scene started appear in colour. I became aware of butterflies, woodland creatures and the sound of birdsong for the first time.

‘Take me home,’ I said to Simone

‘One more stop,’ he replied.

He took me to a different location where a great wall stretched out in front of us.

‘Where are we?’ I asked

‘Don’t you recognise it?’ he responded

‘China,’ I said.

Without a word he took me to a temple. I creature that I recognised as a demon came and settled on the wall I asked the Archangel Michael to remove this negative influence from my life. Then, an angel appeared and struck down the demon with his sword.
I was then taken inside the temple where I again said the words to release myself from my vow and handed back a wooden bowl to the monk.

Later, lying in my bed I then heard the angels singing for a second time. I could clearly hear the full range of bases, tenors, altos and sopranos. I could not understand the language that they were singing in. I felt a great desire to join in with them but could not mimic the syllabus.

Footnote: The last two nights I have not asked the angels to sing over me and I have not heard the singing. I have also not been able to ‘hear’ the music in my head since that night.